Tuesday, January 01, 2008

My Own Countdown...The Seven Blessings from the Year of the Pig

In two hours' time, the clock will strike to midnight. The big black sky will turn into colorful one, with different shades of red, green, yellow, orange, and blue as people end the year 2007 with a loud bang. Hello Philippines! Hello World! Hello and Welcome Year 2008!

The year 2007 has been a fruitful one for me. I call this year my "lucky year". Why lucky year? Because the year of the pig has been good to me. I always keep in mind what my aunties tell me: Count your blessings. Since the two biggest networks in the country usually have their yearend special, I would also do the same. I would have my own yearend special. But, this one is different, because I will count down the blessings that I've received this year. Here are the seven blessings:

7.) New Clothes
Okay, I sound too materialistic, but hey, I consider having new clothes as a blessing. Haha! This year, I have had the opportunity to buy lots and lots of clothes because I definitely need them. And, I learned to save up my allowance since, like what I said, new clothes are a necessity [for me].

6.) New Gadgets
Another materialistic one. Last March, I received a new cellphone from my parents as their graduation gift for me. Buying me a new phone is one of the happiest moment of my life (wow, haha). Also, I received a laptop from my aunties and parents for my birthday. I really need a laptop, especially when I stay in the dorm, so I wouldn't go to computer shops anymore.

5.) High School Graduation
Although, graduating from high school was a sad moment for me because this would probably be the last time I would see my beloved fellow Humblebees, this was also a happy moment for me because I received my high school diploma and I got nice awards. I miss you Humblebees!!! =)

6.) Graduation Song Composition
It was really a nice moment when the graduation song composed by our group was chosen to be sung in our graduation. I never expected it because the other groups really had wonderful songs as well. I considered this one as a blessing from God. =)

5.) Reunion with my Grade School Friends
I had fun being with my grade school friends last April 29. I would never ever forget this day. And I hope, next year, there would be a Part 2.

4.) Getting Good Grades in La Salle
I really thought that I would not make it in La Salle. Although, most of the lessons are easy to understand, the requirement are hard to do. I have to sleep late at night or early in the morning just to finish them because I aim for the grade of 4.0. My late night sleeps and eyebags are worth it because the results are always good. =)

3.) Meeting New Peers
I'm really happy because my circle of friends is getting bigger and bigger. It is nice to meet new people and learn from them. But, like what I said in my previous entry, it is better to be careful than to take a risk.

2.) My La Salle Dream
Being accepted in La Salle was unexpected. When I learned that I was accepted, I really jumped for joy. It is really my dream to be in this prestigious university. I realized that God maybe wants me to be really there. Maybe, I'm born to be a La Sallian. Animo! (haha) *Trivia: I cried when I didn't make it in Ateneo though. =)*

1.) My Family is still complete and I have nice people around me
Yes, my family is still complete and I'm very thankful that nobody left us this year, if you get what I mean. I'm really praying hard to God to give my loved ones a very long life because they still need to experience a lot of things...especially that we (our generation) are still young. We love them. We still need a lot of time to spend with them. On the other hand, I'm thankful because there are a lot of people who mean a lot to me, who never forget and are always there when I need them. They became a big part of my life, especially this year. They made my year meaningful and colorful.

See...there are a lot of things to be thankful for. I'm really thankful!!! Thank you very much!!! Haha. To all of you...Happy, happy New Year!!! May you have a blessed and fruitful year ahead. And never forget to count all your blessings!!! Take care people!!! =)