Tuesday, April 19, 2011

The Ultimate Roadtrip

The latest issue of Candy magazine has inspired me. I've been a Candy girl for four years already and the April issue is my favorite so far. I love the feature on summer clothes, food (being a foodie, I would love to try some of Happy Lemon's "quirky yet creative combinations" and Empire's cheesecake balls), skin care, do-it-yourself summer projects and of course, Macy Alcaraz' Hello, Miss Independent article.

The article made me realize that I've been living the life of Blair Waldorf (minus the fashionable clothes and social life) and of a princess. For instance, I go to work being driven around by our family driver everyday and someone cleans my room if I'm not in the mood to fix my things. In addition, I don't know my way around the kitchen yet. Knock on the wood, but what if one day, these people who help our family go on vacation? I'm helpless.

Two weeks ago, I took the initiative to visit a driving school to inquire. I talked to my parents and aunt about it and some days later, I enrolled. My driving class started Wednesday last week, and I felt so nervous when my teacher asked me to sit on the driver's seat. He introduced me to the pedals and other car accessories first before the actual hands-on experience. I learned how to switch on and off the car, move forward and backward, turn left and right, drive up and down, and the like. First day was so-so but the following days were fine.

Yes, I know how to drive now but I'm not yet good enough.

Last night, I had my night driving session (it's part of the requirement) and it was an adventure I will never forget! This was the time when I became so talkative. I talked to my teacher for two hours, and it's non-stop! We were able to talk about a lot of things--- from music, kinds of iPod, iPad, school, family, celebrities... you name it. We reached Los Banos, Laguna, with me being in-charge of the hand wheel. It's the farthest I've ever traveled since I started driving. In my honest opinion, it's an achievement! I'm glad I have a very patient, supportive and cool teacher. He's like a kuya to me too. I think that's a bonus.

I'm looking forward to having more exciting driving classes, whether they'd be on a day or night. I don't want to think about the last day yet because it'll only make me feel sad. I wish it would be longer though. On the brighter side, I'll make the most out of my last 10 hours in driving school. Also, I'll remember everything that teacher taught me and improve what needs to be improved so I could make him happy and proud of me.

By the way, were you able to see the moon last night? My friend described it as a "cheese ball" because it was so big, round and orange. I was mesmerized by its beauty and it looked so magical. Kudos to my friend, Icca, who took this photo.

Anyway, I wonder where we are going today. Can't wait for our next roadtrip! ;)