Friday, May 23, 2008

Happy Shalalala...

Tomorrow!!! Tomorrow!!! Tomorrow!!! I'm going to a debut party tomorrow!!! =) Okay, you might find it weird but honestly, I've never been to a debut party of a friend. I turned down the previous invitations of some friends slash classmates for some reasons. I explained to them why I couldn't go to their party. Their understanding made me feel very glad and thankful. However this time, it's quite different. For the very first time, my parents and auntie are allowing me to attend Mye's party. I'm so happy and excited!!! =) Yay!!! =)

On the geek side, I finished reading the book, Penny from Heaven by Jennifer L. Holm. It may be a simple children's (or teens') book but hey, I learned a lot from it. Even the adults can learn from it too. I won't tell you exactly what the story is about but I promise you, this is definitely a good read. =)

By the way, congratulations to David Cook, the seventh American Idol. David Archuleta, it's okay. I still like you. Haha. =) Good night everyone and thank you for reading!!! =)