Monday, February 28, 2011

On the last day of February...

Please allow me to be cheesy and all. I know Valentines day is over and most of the people I know have finally recovered from the cupids' bow of love, but for some reason there's something inside of me that doesn't want this month to end. I've been sharing my sentiments to my best friend and family for a long long time and I'm glad they somehow understand. That's what I like about having my best friend and family around because they are the people whom I can talk to, most especially during the crucial points of my life, anytime anywhere.

Middle of last year, a momentous event happened and I never thought it would, in a way, shake my world. For the past eight months, I've been asking the Big Guy above a lot of questions regarding this matter. I wonder what He's up to. ;)

The best thing I can do now is pray for me to be enlightened and wait for the day when I would finally get the answer.

There's so many things I'd like to say to you but I don't know how and where to start. My time is running out, I'm afraid. On second thought, I'd rather keep them to myself.