Wednesday, August 08, 2012

The Magic of Tuscany

Two years ago, my aunt and uncle who live in San Francisco, decided to renew their marriage vows in Tuscany, Italy. Afterall, it was their golden wedding anniversary and it had to be special. My cousins, nieces and nephews, and Aunt Sari were there to celebrate the special moment with them. It was a simple wedding, but it was very solemn and magical. I can tell that they enjoyed every moment, as seen in the pictures they sent me in my e-mail.   

Tuscany is such a lovely place, though I haven't been there. I had the chance to catch a glimpse of Tuscany once again when I watched the film, Letters to Juliet. The beautiful landscapes and the vineyards plus the "lemony sunshine", as some writers describe the Tuscan hillside, are the perfect ingredients to make the film more interesting, meaningful, and romantic. My aunt and uncle were so lucky to have their golden wedding here.

After watching the film, I think I want to pack my things and fly to Italy, particularly in Verona and of course, Tuscany. They made it to my list of places I want to see someday. I fell in love with them, like how Charlie and Sophie fell in love with each other. :)

On a random note, can you imagine how kilig I was when Claire, Charlie's grandmother, finally found her long-lost love, Lorenzo, after 51 years? That's what you call true love. I still can't get over and I'm so happy for them. :)

Lorenzo and Claire
Charlie and Sophie
"What" and "If" are two words as non-threatening as words can be. But put them together side by side and they have the power to haunt you for the rest of your life: What if? What if? What if? -from the film, Letters to Juliet

*Photos retrieved from Google Images*