Monday, August 27, 2012

The Fine Time

It was a long weekend so Margaret and I grabbed the opportunity to meet and catch up. She's now working at a university (but not as an educator) in Batangas and she has been very busy ever since. Despite her hectic schedule, she still found time to spend a day with me and my family here in Laguna.

We went to Alabang Town Center, before going home. I brought Margaret to Toastbox and introduced her to my favorite, Nasi Goreng. We watched a movie after dinner, and talked over donuts at Krispy Kreme after. I won't forget this day because of what we talked about. She made me ponder on things that really matter. ;) I realized that we're all grown up--- not only physically but mentally and emotionally.

Lemon iced tea from Toastbox
Nasi Goreng
Where the conversation started... at Krispy Kreme!
Classic sugar glazed donut
Chocolate chip kruffin
In between talks, we also had our pictures taken. ;)

I love our conversation that night after the movie and I hope there will be a part 2, part 3, part 4, and so on.You get the picture. ;)

I'm still on "The Reunion" (the movie we watched together) high and I haven't gotten over with the songs from the most influential Filipino band of all time, the Eraserheads. I got the title of this blog from one of their songs, Fine Time, from the album Cutterpillow. Enjoy listening! :)