Friday, February 15, 2008


You might think I'm sad today because my title is S.A.D. If you have looked at the date above this entry, today is February 14, 2008. Oh, so today is Valentine's Day. I spent my first valentines in La Salle this year and it's kinda different because I came from an environment where there are no boys (my age) around. I won't elaborate more on that but I hope you get my point. Haha. Going back to S.A.D, it actually stands for Single Awareness Day. Every year, as the sweet couples celebrate happy heart's day, single people celebrate SAD. To stop you from wondering if I were sad, the answer is a big NO. I'm not sad. I never spend my valentines day feeling sad or bitter (though I said I felt bitter towards Mr. Loyalty in my previous entry hahaha) because everyday is a special day. =) Okay, this is all for today. Happy Valentine's Day (or Happy Heart's Day) and Happy Single Awareness Day to everyone! Enjoy! =)

***I finally saw Enchong Dee (actually, I see him every Monday). He's very handsome...that's true. =) He's visible in school these days and I'm very happy! Haha.***