Thursday, January 26, 2012

Me and my cupcake dream

I remember the first time I entered the Cupcakes by Sonja's shop at Serendra in Bonifacion High Street. I was with my cousins, Luisa and Cente, and we just finished a hearty lunch at Sentro with the elders. While inside, Cente told me that this shop has the best cupcakes in town. I ogled and admired the colorful display of cupcakes right infront of me. I had a hard time deciding which one to get since it was my first time to be in that magical place. After a five minute internal debate with myself, I ended up with vanilla sunshine cupcake, as suggested by Cente. And mind you, he bought it for me. How lucky was I?

As I bite into the soft and sweet piece of vanilla sunshine, the feeling was indescribable. It was absolutely delicious and it was delightful to eat. It was one of the best cupcakes I have ever tasted so far. "One day", I told myself, "I will bake cupcakes too!"

Photo retrieved from Google images
For some reason, I've been fascinated with cupcakes lately. I watch videos about baking cupcakes on Youtube, and look at cupcake photos until I feel sleepy. I also noticed that my recent purchases have cupcake designs... from shirts, necklaces, to rings. Name it!

Photo retrieved from this blog
Since cupcakes are my latest fascination, I finally figured out what I shall do in summer--- baking cupcakes! I already talked to my aunt about this plan and I told her my reasons why I thought of this. I hope it pushes through!

Photo retrieved from Google images
I'm so excited with this plan! My cupcakes may not turn out to be as best as Sonja's cupcakes but I'll make sure that it'll be delightful to eat too. *wishful thinking* Here's to a productive summer! :)