Tuesday, March 19, 2013

The 19th Day of March

In twenty minutes, a chapter in my life is about to end. It has been an incredible journey with my toddlers and Teacher Mariel. I feel really blessed because I've been given this wonderful opportunity to grow as a preschool teacher. What I learned from the past nine months helped me discover my strengths and weaknesses when it comes to dealing with children. Yes, the old notes from college and the hand-outs given to us had helped me in understanding our cute little angels but I learned more from experience. Now, I can proudly say that experience is indeed the best teacher. :)

My toddlers may be makulit at times but I have learned to love them. I'm so proud of what they have achieved! They made my first year of teaching (preschool) fun, fruitful, and exciting. :) Tomorrow is officially the last day of our preschool classes. And I will try not to be emotional tomorrow. ;)