Sunday, March 17, 2013

The 17th Day of March

I just realized that I've been active on Instagram lately. I keep taking photos of the things I find interesting and cute. Like I said in my other post, taking photos has become my "Kitkat moment". ;) And each photo that I post on Instagram has a story. I don't post just because. ;)

Let me share with you some of the photos, in no particular order:

I fell in love with this pair of sandals upon seeing it at Orange Juice (a clothes shop for girls). This is one of my favorites because this pair is so comfy and it looks pretty on my feet. Hahaha!  Plus the color is so lovely. I always wear this when I go on daytime trips or when I go to malls.

This pair of boat shoes came all the way from New York. Auntie Belen and Uncle Pomping came to visit us and when I'm about to enter my room, I saw this pair waiting for me by the door. I didn't ask for any pasalubong but look! And the shoes fit me. How sweet of them. Again, thank you so much Auntie and Uncle! :)

When you work in a preschool, when a child celebrates his or her birthday, even if you're not his or her teacher, you'll still get something from him or her. Children giving me treats like this never fail to make my heart melt. Unfortunately, I didn't get to eat this cupcake because I'm avoiding chocolates as of the moment. Boo me. 

This was a student's Christmas gift for me, a hand cream from Etude House. With it's "Sunny Sunny Apple" scent, I'd like to think that I give my hands tender loving care whenever I use this. It's cute too, don't you think? 

While studying for their periodical test, out of the blue, a student in tutorial class shared that she ate pancit canton for breakfast. Guess what I ate for dinner last night. This is a classic example of teacher blues. :p 

Happy Sunday everyone! :)