Saturday, March 31, 2012

You'll be the prince and I'll be the princess...

While waiting for Margaret's turn at the cashier in Bayo, she asked me if I know the title of the Taylor Swift song playing on the store's music player. For some reason, I wasn't able to recall the title so I waited for the chorus and listened intently to its lyrics. Then we both realized that it was Fearless. Oh yes, we just had a senior citizen moment and both of us are only 21. *straight face*

Then the sales associates played Love Story.

Instant flashback to college days. It was our ultimate last song syndrome, alongside You Belong with Me. My early childhood major friends and I used to sing this song aloud, along the corridors of our department. :p 

I can't believe that this song is almost four years old! How time flies!

Tonight, because I'm feeling a little bit nostalgic, here's the music video of Love Story. :)