Saturday, August 13, 2011

The Detour

I'm no good in math. In fact, it has been my waterloo since my grade school years. I am not friends with numbers and problem solving, and we have never had a great time together. I don't like solving equations and computing because they just give me headache. Having said this, I'd like to believe that I was born for the creative side and not for the analytical side.

But I guess God has a funny way of putting some twists and turns in our lives to make it more interesting.

Now that I'm teaching, my relationship with math has gone to the next level. Never would I have thought in my wildest dreams that I would teach math to my students. Grades 7 and 9 math to be exact. I remember, as a high school student, I cried over geometry because I got a low grade in my card. I never understood a single thing, no matter how much I tried studying until the wee hours of the morning just to prove why this figure is congruent to this figure... why a right triangle is a right triangle... things like that. Geometry and I broke up as soon as my junior year finished. But we're back together again. Bittersweet, isn't it?

I spent the week browsing through all the grade 7 books I found in our school's bookshelf and visiting different sites (yay for those that provide an answer key) in the world wide web to enlighten me on topics such as area, surface area, volume, and perimeter. My calculator and my iPod have always been by my side since Monday. Books, fillers, pens, scratch papers, chocolate wrappers and my notebook were all over my table. I felt like a student again.

With this experience, I learned two things: we don't always get what we want and God has a plan for everyone. Most of the time, we choose the path where we can carry less burden and feel care free. Easy-going. Happy-go-lucky. But sometimes, things that we don't want or expect to happen just happen. They may make us feel fearful but in time we will understand why they had to come into our lives. Maybe, this is God's way for us to overcome our fears and weaknesses. We may have to make little sacrifices but keep in mind that, quoting Bianca, "it all works out for the best in the end". God knows what is best for us. Trust and believe.

Studying geometry (trigonometry is next in line) is definitely challenging but I won't give up because I know I can do it. And yes, I'm beginning to appreciate math now. :)