Saturday, March 10, 2007

A Realization about Life's Journey

"God understands that we are not strong all the time. Sometimes, all we can do is rest on His arms as He takes us thru life's journey."

Isn't that quote meaningful? Simple yet deep. It is quite related with what I'm experiencing right now. I, together with my classmates, am preparing for such an important event in our lives--- our graduation. We are all taking a new step to our future. We are slowly entering the next chapter of our lives...

The quote saying is true. We are not strong all the time, and God knows and understands it. There are times when we don't trust ourselves and we feel wasted, down and bad. We feel pressured because there are people who expect a lot from us. And yet, we succeed. Sometimes, we keep asking ourselves, paano nangyari 'yon?

For the past sixteen years of living happily and lively here on the planet earth, I realized that as we take this long, long journey called life, God is always here with us. Although, we can't see Him, His presence is within us. He continues to guide us, wherever we go. He helps us in every decision that we make. Remember Footprints in the Sand? That proves it.

So let us not say that God doesn't love us. He loves us. Period.

And now, as the end of March is fast approaching, I'm ready to face what the future is preparing for me...for us...for my fellow highschool seniors. I'm ready to take every step that leads towards my dream. I will not be afraid, because I know that I can pass every obstacle that will come my way. And God is holding my hand, protecting me as He takes me "thru life's journey".
By the way, I got my form from DLSU. This is another chance. I will grab it, and not let it slip. My only hopes are my grades and the admissions' decision. I wish I could make it.