Thursday, October 18, 2012

The Birthday Cupcakes

I still find it amazing that a student and I share one thing in common--- we have the same birthday! Cool beans! I just learned about it when his mom sent a message to our directress asking if she could bring food for the kids, teachers, and school staff.

Aside from the usual pasta meal, my student's mom brought cute cupcakes. These cupcakes were a huge hit to all the kiddos because they're cute and attractive. My toddlers keep coming to the table as they were too eager to touch and taste these sweet treats. 

Aren't they cute? Aaand the cupcakes tasted good. Too bad, I didn't really pay attention to what mommy said when she was talking about where she ordered these cupcakes (If I'm not mistaken, I was trying to convince a student, not the birthday celebrant, to eat his food at that time). I hope Teacher Mariel still remembers it, though. :)