Sunday, April 25, 2010

Word of the Day

It's funny how this word is making our world turn upside down. I always hear Jejemon in school and most of my contacts on Facebook, Twitter or Tumblr are talking about it. It's like a nationwide phenomenon. Apparently, I learned that it's a new definition for Jologs. It's also a word to describe the style of a person in terms of texting, and it has various levels--- the mild, moderate, severe, and terminal. For instance, if you type like this, eOw poH, mUsta Na pOh Yow, then you are considered as a Jejemon. By the way, what I just typed belongs to the mild level.

This photo of the presidential aspirant,
Gibo Teodoro, made me laugh so hard. I really find it hilarious, for some reason. On a more serious note, isn't it nice of him to send these people back to school? It is surprising and alarming to know that there is a growing number of Jejemon in the Philippines. Perhaps it is time to teach them the proper way to text or type.

On the other hand, don't get me wrong. I'm neither campaigning nor voting for him, even if he is a La Sallian. May 10 is fast approaching and honestly, I still don't know who to vote yet. :l

P.S. If you want to know more about Jejemon, just google it. :)