Friday, April 02, 2010

One Wednesday Night

(First term of school year 2009-2010)

In this photo, my dorm-mates and I are having a fun time in our room. I can still remember this day, as if it happened only yesterday. It was a night full of laughter and vain-ness. We were doing our respective schoolwork at this time but when somebody suggested that we should take pictures first, using Mau’s camera, we stopped whatever we were doing. The headboard of my bed was used as the tripod since we didn’t have one in the room. When the camera was all set, we started to make faces and do funny poses. The rest, as they say, is history.

This is one of my favorite shots because we all look so funny here. What you see in the photo is the different side of Dana, Marita, Mela and Mau. :)