Saturday, June 30, 2007

Too Bad to be Good

Because I love ice cream, chocolates, and other cold beverages and foods, I developed a sore throat last Monday. When night came, I didn't feel well so I wasn't able to study seriously for our psychology quiz. What mattered to me during that time was to rest and sleep.

I didn't have a "I-feel-good-ta-na-na-na-nan" feeling this week. My sore throat was gone, then a very bad cold came, and very bad cough followed, then my sore throat returned. Because of them, my whole week wasn't that happy.

Right now, I'm at home. I'm supposed to finish my survey questions for our "mini-thesis" in Englcom. Unfortunately, I don't feel well. On the other hand, I'm quite fortunate as well because I'm at home. I can rest. I need rest. Haha.

Okay, that's all for today. I have a lot to do tomorrow. I'll go back to school for our NSTP. Wish me luck, and I hope that my "slight fever" will not push through. Our midterms are next week. Huhu. Good night! =)

*By the way, I didn't see Enchong Dee in school today. Sad. Haha. Anyway, I hope to see him in school soon. Haha.*