Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Not Meant to Be

Destiny. Do you believe in destiny? According to Webster's New World Dictionary, it is the seemingly inevitable succession of events and one's fate. I know some people who believe in destiny. They believe that what's happening in their life now is destined for them--- that destiny is like the "twin" of their life.

Right now, I'm in a situation that really makes me wonder if I would make it to the dean's list. Of course, it is my dream to be one of the dean's listers in La Salle. Well, it is everybody's dream to be in a dean's list, right?

I guess that running back and forth in La Salle is destined for me. In order to achieve my dreams and goals, I need to have patience and faith in God. I don't get what I want easily. There are certain requirements, but this time, it's different. I don't have to visit the admissions office like what I used to do before. I don't have to fall in a long line waiting for a result. This time, I have to wait for my laboratory physics teacher so I could talk to her about my final grade. My final grade in laboratory physics makes me feel bad because I believe that I don't deserve the grade that I got. All of my other subjects are okay( 3.0-3.5)...except this one.

My teacher and I already talked about it. I told her everything that I need to explain. I was never absent in our lab meetings and I never missed a single group lab activity. She said, she'll double-check my grade, and what my group got in those activities, she will put in her record. She even asked me to give her my e-mail address because she'll send me my grades.

I really do hope that there will be a change in my grade. I need "justice". And I don't want to be left hanging in the air...waiting for a miracle to happen.

There may be a change, but I am not hoping that I will be a dean's lister. I'm preparing myself. I want to be ready for the outcomes. I don't want to expect a lot because I don't want to be disappointed in the end. Maybe, this is my fate. Maybe, this is destined for me. Maybe, we are not meant to be. Maybe, this is my destiny. Oh well, there is still a 2nd trimester...and a 3rd trimester. I'll just do better next time. :(

*By the way, I saw him yesterday. I thought that he already left the school. According to his friend, he's leaving on Saturday. And, he's going back on the 3rd trimester. May chance pa ang tostillas. Haha. Happy-happy. =) Happy trip! *