Tuesday, May 08, 2012

The Pancakes

Last Sunday, something unusual happened. As soon as I got out of the bed, I found my way to the kitchen because I was in the mood to make pancakes for breakfast. There I prepared the ingredients--- pancake mix, butter, eggs, milk... you name it! Ate Rosie helped me prepare the other things needed such as a cup of water, pan, and the mixing bowl.  It was totally bizarre because 1.) it all happened before 10am (my friends know that I'm such a heavy sleeper specially on weekends) and 2.) never in my life had I ever made breakfast for myself or for anyone else at home until this one sunny Sunday morning. It has always been Ate Rosie who cooks and prepares our meals. Anyway, I wasn't able to take photos of the ingredients and my actual hands-on experience but I made sure to take photos of the pancakes for "documentary purposes". :p

Besides the usual maple syrup, why don't you try spreading Nutella or condensed milk? Rest assured, your pancakes will taste even better. ;)
Here's another thing, my dad, brother, and aunt actually liked the pancakes! Now, it's a big deal. My dad and brother eat as they please but my aunt is hard to impress when it comes to food. I'd like to think that she said she liked the pancakes because they're really good and not because I made it. :)) On another note, I can't wait to go back to the kitchen hopefully this coming weekend and do something unusual again *ravioli*ahem*ravioli*. :)