Saturday, February 23, 2008

Good-bye Goldie! Good-bye Bubbles!

I lost two dogs this month. Goldie passed away three weeks ago while Bubbles, she passed away this morning. I felt guilty because I never had the chance to play with them and feed them. They were really such adorable dogs. Too bad, I wasn't able to take their pictures. The aura at home seems different because they're gone. I will definitely miss them. Good-bye Goldie! Good-bye Bubbles! Your memory will always remain with us...thank you for all the help you gave us...for being watchful, obedient, and great dogs... We know that the both of you are happy, wherever you are right now. We heart the both of you!

*Now let's go to the brighter side...I dreamt about the person whom I admire two nights ago (actually, he always appears in my dreams now). In my dream, he's with a girl and they're super sweet. The girl is beautiful and they look good together. Waa! In reality, when I see him, he's always alone (that is...only by girl/s beside him) but I think...he likes someone. Yes, he likes someone and I feel that she's as beautiful as the girl I saw in my dream! Waa! In addition to that, I dreamt about him last night too...he just walked by. Cutie. Haha. Waa!*